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How To Play


Each player will start with an initial amount of cards in their hand. The player who goes first will start with three cards. The player who goes second will start with four cards. Each player will also be given one mulligan, which allows you to trade in a card for a new one if you want to. 


The resource that both players use to cast any card is mana. Each player will start with 1 mana at the beginning of the game. On each of your turns, your mana will reset to the max amount, and the max amount of mana will increase by 1. The maximum amount of mana a player can reach is 10. 


At the beginning of your turn, you will draw one card. You are allowed to cast any creature or artifact so long as you have enough mana to cast it, and there's an empty slot that is available. Players can attack at any point during their turn, therefore a player can attack before putting another artifact or creature on the field.


To win, you must reduce the enemy’s health amount <= 0. You may do this by attacking with creatures or dealing damage through spells.

Still Confused?

Keep Reading for an in depth guide. 
Beginning of Game: 

Each player will start with an initial amount of cards in their hand. The player who goes first will start with three cards. The player who goes second will start with four cards. 


Before starting the match, both players will be able to mulligan one card from their hand. 


  • In other words, both players will be able to select which cards they would like to keep from their initial hand. The cards they wish to discard will be put back into the deck, and replaced with new cards. Each player will be able to replace only one card and players are not forced to do this. 


Once both players have finalized their hands, the game will begin.


Resource (Mana):

The resource that both players use to cast any card is mana. Each player will start with 1 mana at the beginning of the game. On each of your turns, your mana will reset to the max amount, and the max amount of mana will increase by 1. The maximum mana that either player can have is 10 mana. You cannot surpass this amount. 


  • Ex.): On turn 3 for Player ‘A’, their maximum mana cost will now equal 3 mana opposed to 2 from the previous turn.

  • Ex.): If player ‘A’ spent all their mana on the previous turn, on their next turn they will gain all of their mana back. 


Playing Field:​

Melee Zone

This will be the front most row for each player, and will be regarded as the melee zone as it can only house creatures that attack using close-ranged attacks. (Artifacts can be placed here regardless)


Ranged Zone

This will be the backmost row for each player, and will be regarded as the ranged zone as it can only house creatures that attack using long-ranged attacks. (Artifacts can be placed here regardless)


Types of Cards (How they work):


Creatures are cards that go on the board and take up a slot. They are able to attack once per turn. The slot that the creature can take depends on their type. A melee creature can only go on the melee row, and a ranged creature can only go in the ranged row. Each creature will have a health value and an attack power value. If a creature’s health is reduced to 0, the creature is destroyed and removed from the board. When a creature attacks, they deal damage equal to their attack power value. If a creature attacks another creature, both creatures will lose health based on each others attack value. 


  • Ex.): Creature ‘A’ has 3 health and 3 attack. Creature ‘B’ has 2 health and 2 attack. When these two creatures collide, ‘B’ will be destroyed as its health value is lower than ‘A’s attack. However, ‘A’ will be dealt 2 damage and will have a health value of 1.  


There is no restriction of how many creatures you can play in a turn besides their mana cost (if you have enough mana, you can cast creatures), and the amount of slots that are available.


Ability (Creatures):

Some creature cards will come with a specified ability that will come with a mana cost to activate the effect described. Abilities can range from all sorts of effects, but always come at a cost of mana and can only be used once per-turn for said creature.​


  • Ex.): I have Creature ‘A’ and Creature ‘B’ on the field, I activate Creature ‘A’’s ability that gives itself temporary +3 to attack. Next I activate Creature ‘B’’s ability that gives itself +3 attack as well. (Neither of these abilities can be activated anymore during this player’s turn, but both can still be activated even if they were the same exact creature)


Attribute (Creatures):

Some creatures will come with one or more attributes that will give special passive effects when they are on the field, whether it be for the card themselves or boosting effects to cards nearby. These effects will not expire unless specified within the rulebook.


  • Ex.): Creature ‘A’ is on the field with the attribute ‘Taunt’, which declares that creatures on the opposing side must first attack this creature before attacking anything else. (Taunt stops creatures from attacking a player directly and from destroying certain other creatures or artifacts)



Artifacts are cards that go on the board and take up a slot. They are not able to attack. Artifacts can be placed in either row. Each artifact has a health value, but no attack value. Artifacts are able to be destroyed if their health reduces to 0. There is no restriction of how many artifacts you can play in a turn besides their mana cost and the amount of slots available. 



Spells are cards that do not go on the board (they do not take up a slot). Rather, they are cards that trigger their own abilities one time. A spell will have its own ability or abilities. Each spell will have its own mana cost. There is no restriction of how many spells you can cast in a turn besides their mana cost. â€‹


Playing Cards:

At the beginning of your turn, you will draw one card. You are allowed to cast any creature or artifact so long as you have enough mana to cast it, and there's an empty slot that is available. There is no attacking phase (See Combat section). 


  • Example: You are allowed to cast a spell, then attack with a creature, then cast another spell, followed by attacking with another creature. 


Combat (attacking):

Players can attack at any point during their turn, therefore a player can attack before putting another artifact or creature on the field the same applies for spell cards


  • Ex.): I attack with my Creature ‘A’, (I dealt 3 damage to the opponent), and now I summon Creature ‘B’ and attack with it in the same turn.


Melee Creatures: 

Melee creatures cannot attack the enemy’s ranged row of creatures unless there are no melee creatures in front of them. Melee creatures cannot attack the player unless there is a melee tile that is empty, and the ranged tile behind it is empty as well.


  • Ex.): If Creature ‘A’ is a melee, and the other player has a Creature ‘B’ that is ranged, ‘A’ can only attack ‘B’ if there is not a creature or artifact in front of ‘B’ on the melee row. 

  • Ex.): Creature ‘A’ cannot attack the player unless there is a melee slot that is empty, and the ranged slot behind that melee slot is empty as well. 


Ranged Creatures:

Ranged creatures can attack either row, and can attack the enemy player without needing an opening. 


How to win:

To win, you must reduce the enemy’s health amount <= 0. You may do this by attacking with creatures or dealing damage through spells. 


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