Hey guys, welcome back to another Mythos update. As we are nearing crunch time we are excited to put the final touches on the game and hope you guys are ready to play!
First of all, lets get to some game updates. Our artists are finishing up there sketches, with a lot of the characters rendered and ready to go. These last two weeks for artists will be pretty busy, as they work on rendering out the rest of their cards.
For programmers, the game is currently in a playable state, and we were even able to get our first play testers in the game. We are working on getting gameplay and a trailer made to show you guys, but for now I'll show off the updated board as well as what the inside of our game looks like.

It's starting to all come together, right now most of the game is functional, our programmers are currently working on special attacks now, and will have them polished and ready to go by the middle of May when we release Mythos.
Next I wanted to update you guys on this past weekends Midwest Gaming Expo in Milwaukee. Our team had a booth set up and was able to get some playtesting done during the hours that we were set up.

Here's our booth! We were lucky enough to be able to secure a booth at the MGC, a yearly gaming expo in Wisconsin.
First look at some Mythos gameplay! Don't worry, we will have some actual gameplay coming soon, for now, enjoy these teasers.
Lastly, I wanted to quickly touch on the upcoming MAGD Expo held by the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater from 4-7pm on May 4th. We will have a booth with live playtesting for anyone in the area who is interested in joining. Check out the MAGD website for more information. We hope to see you there!
As always thank you guys for reading, we look forward to the release of Mythos and hope you guys are ready to finally play! Be sure to check out our social media for more information and sneak peaks, we post art regularly on our Instagram.